Application Process Overview

Step 1. When the application is received, an email showing receipt is sent to participating audiologist and family.

Step 2. The application is reviewed. If items are missing, an email is sent to both family and participating audiologist.  If the child is ineligible for hearing aids, the denial letter is processed and sent to the family in the mail. The provider is also notified by email.  If the family receives a denial they will have the right to appeal the decision.  Details about how to appeal will be in the letter received in the mail from the Indiana State Department of Health.

Step 3. When the application is approved, an email notification is sent to participating audiologist and an invoice is mailed to the family.

Step 4. Once cost participation is paid by family an approval email is sent to the participating audiologist and the fitting occurs as scheduled by the audiologist. This approval will include the patient’s PO number, which will be needed each time a HAAPI visit is billed. Please be sure to notify families to keep track of this number.

  • Families should not send the cost participation payment until they have received the cost participation invoice.
  • If cost participation is not paid in 30 days of the invoice date, the application is denied. However, the family is welcome to re-apply at any time
  • Be sure to keep track of your patient’s PO numbers as you will need them for each invoice that you submit.

 Step 5. The participating audiologist submits the invoice form by either mail or email for payment.

Mail to: HAAPI 4740 Kingsway Dr. Ste 33 Indianapolis IN 46205

Email to:

Fax to: 888.887.0932

  • In order to receive payment you must submit the linked invoice form . Please do not send the invoice from the manufacturer.

 Step 6. 365+ days from the fitting, the participating audiologist may provide a follow up visit including: audiogram, hearing aid check and earmold(s). The participating audiologist submits the invoice form for annual visit payment.

– Replacement earmold(s) are only available once annually for those fit with HAAPI hearing aids between July 1, 2021- present.

– HAAPI will continue to cover 4 annual visits within 5 years of fitting of devices for all participants fit after 7/1/21. Each annual visit must be 365+ days from previous visit. If new device(s) are received through HAAPI within that 5 year period, annual visits will only be covered for the newest device(s). HAAPI will not cover the cost to maintain more than 1 set of devices at a time.

Repeat Step 6 for another 4 years for annual follow up, continue to submit the invoice form for each visit.

  • In order to receive payment you must submit the invoice form.

 Step 7. Consider re-applying for HAAPI hearing aid coverage to meet best practice of hearing aid replacement every 3-5 years.